Plan Do Check

Meeting Agenda

This page serves as the template for technical meeting agendas, limit meeting sessions to 45 minutes, and technical conversations to not more than 3 per 45 minute period.

Meeting Agenda

I. Introduction

A. Welcome and introductions

B. Purpose and goals of the meeting

C. Agenda overview

II. Review of Previous Action Items

A. Recap of action items from the previous meeting

B. Update on the progress of each action item

C. Any issues or challenges encountered

D. Organizing your thoughts in a way that works

III. Project Updates

A. Overview of current projects

B. Milestones achieved and upcoming deliverables

C. Updates on project timelines and dependencies

D. Discussion on any blockers or risks

IV. Technical Discussions

A. Topic 1: [Insert topic]

1. Background and context

2. Key challenges or decisions to be made

3. Discussion and brainstorming

4. Action items or next steps

B. Topic 2: [Insert topic]

1. Background and context

2. Key challenges or decisions to be made

3. Discussion and brainstorming

4. Action items or next steps

C. Topic 3: [Insert topic]

1. Background and context

2. Key challenges or decisions to be made

3. Discussion and brainstorming

4. Action items or next steps

V. Open Floor for Questions and Discussion

A. Allow participants to ask questions or raise any concerns

B. Facilitate discussion and provide necessary clarifications

VI. Next Steps and Action Items

A. Recap of action items identified during the meeting

B. Assign responsible parties and due dates for each action item

C. Review and confirm meeting schedule for the next session

VII. Conclusion

A. Summary of key takeaways and decisions made

B. Thank participants for their contributions

C. Adjourn the meeting