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User Guide for Graphical Representation

User Guide for Graphical Representation

This user guide provides an overview of a graphical representation created using the Mermaid library. The diagram visualizes the relationships and connections between various elements within a system, including an Active Directory structure, a Trouble Ticket Mapping System, Primary Work Role ID Mapping, and Relationship Mapping.

Active Directory

The “Active Directory” is represented as a subgraph and contains a hierarchy of elements within it:

These elements represent different roles or categories within the Active Directory subgraph. The arrows indicate the hierarchy and relationships between these elements.

Trouble Ticket Mapping System

The “Trouble Ticket Mapping System” is another subgraph and represents a system for handling trouble tickets:

These elements represent the flow of operations in a trouble ticket system, where users create tickets, they are assigned to individuals, updated, and eventually resolved.

Primary Work Role ID Mapping

The “Primary Work Role ID Mapping” subgraph represents the mapping of work roles:

This subgraph illustrates the relationships between the Root and various work roles and how they are associated.

Relationship Mapping

The “Relationship Mapping” subgraph shows relationships between different activities or tasks:

These elements represent how various activities or tasks are related to different work roles or categories.

In summary, this graphical representation provides a visual overview of the relationships and connections between different elements, work roles, and activities in a system, making it easier to understand the structure and flow of the system.
