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Improving Detection and Visibility: A Blue Teaming Approach


Introduction Brief overview of the importance of detection and visibility. Data Source Quality Assessment Administer and score data sources. Evaluate the reliability and accuracy of each source. Endpoint Visibility Gain insights into endpoint visibility. Map your current understanding of endpoint activities. Detection Coverage Mapping Evaluate the coverage of your detection mechanisms. Identify gaps in your detection capabilities. Agenda (contd.)

Threat Actor Behaviors Understand common threat actor behaviors. Map these behaviors to your current detection capabilities. Comparison Analysis Compare visibility, detection coverage, and threat actor behaviors. Uncover potential areas for improvement. Prioritizing Blue Teaming Efforts Determine the most critical areas to focus on. Allocate resources based on identified priorities. Statistics and Metrics Provide statistics per platform. Analyze the number of techniques covered by each data source. Data Source Quality Assessment

Criteria for Evaluation Accuracy Reliability Timeliness Completeness Scoring System High (4) Medium (3) Low (2) Insufficient (1) Action Steps Improve low-scoring sources. Reevaluate sources with medium scores. Endpoint Visibility

Endpoint Mapping Identify critical endpoints. Evaluate current visibility levels. Improving Endpoint Visibility Implement endpoint detection tools. Enhance monitoring and logging capabilities. Detection Coverage Mapping

Identify Detection Mechanisms Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) tools Antivirus solutions Evaluate Coverage Cross-reference with known threats. Assess response times and false positives. Threat Actor Behaviors

Common Threat Actor Tactics Phishing Exploitation Lateral Movement Mapping to Current Capabilities Determine how well current mechanisms detect these tactics. Identify gaps and weaknesses. Comparison Analysis

Visibility vs. Detection vs. Threat Actor Behaviors Visualize the current state. Identify overlaps and gaps. Uncovering Improvement Opportunities Prioritize areas needing enhancement. Align improvements with threat landscape changes. Prioritizing Blue Teaming Efforts

Risk Assessment Determine potential impact and likelihood. Prioritize based on risk. Resource Allocation Allocate resources to critical areas. Regularly reassess priorities. Statistics and Metrics

Per Platform Statistics Windows Linux Cloud platforms Techniques Covered per Data Source Evaluate effectiveness. Identify underperforming sources. Conclusion

Summary of findings. Actionable next steps. Continuous improvement mindset. Q&A